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5 Evidence-Based Weight Loss Tips


5 Evidence-Based Weight Loss Tips
5 Evidence-Based Weight Loss Tips

As far as weight loss goes, you may have heard/read a lot of myths. People are suggested to do different types of activities and most of the activities are not based on evidence. However, over the years, experts found tons of strategies that can help you lose weight effectively. Given below are 5 of them.


1. Drink Water Before Meals


You may have heard that drinking water is good for people who want to lose weight. And this is true. Actually, water boosts your metabolism and helps you burn a lot of calories. According to a study, if you drink half a liter of water before your meals, you will lose a lot more weight.


2. Eat Eggs For Breakfast


You can enjoy a lot of benefits if you eat whole eggs. And one of these benefits is that eggs help you shed a lot of weight. According to studies, if you replace your grain-oriented breakfast with one or two eggs, you will have fewer calories for the following day. As a result, you will shed more weight and body fat.


For some reason, if you can't go for eggs in your breakfast, you can go for another alternative. You can opt for protein as well.


3. Drink Coffee


Most people suggest that you should not drink coffee if you want to lose weight fast. But it's not true. As a matter of fact, quality coffee contains antioxidants that offer a lot of benefits.


According to a lot of studies, coffee contains caffeine that triggers your metabolism. You wind up burning more calories as a result. All you have to do is make sure you don't add a lot of sugar or high-calorie ingredients as it will cancel the benefits of the coffee.


4. Drink Green Tea


Keep in mind that green tea also offers a lot of benefits. As mentioned earlier, it also helps with weight loss. Actually, green tea is heavy with a little bit of caffeine and catechins, which is an antioxidant.


Many experts believe that green tea can help you shed the extra pounds. So, it's a good idea to drink green tea on a regular basis so you can achieve your weight loss goals.


5. Use Coconut Oil For cooking


Coconut oil is good for you. As a matter of fact, it has a lot of special fats known as medium chain triglycerides. They are metabolized in a different manner. Actually, these fats boost your metabolism and help you lose 120 calories in 24 hours. Apart from this, coconut oil helps you control your appetite. As a result, you can cut down on your calorie consumption.


Here it's important to keep in mind that you don't have to add this oil to what you already eat. What you need to do is replace your cooking fats with quality coconut oil.


Long story short, if you have been looking for some evidence-based weight loss tips, you may want to check out the 5 tips given in this article.


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